AA IS NOT A Medical TREATMENT for addiction.
It’s a free fellowship and oftentimes even comes with complimentary stale donuts and terrible coffee and as an added bonus the occasional convicted rapist, murderer, pedophile (could be all the same person) who was actually sentenced/forced by the courts to attend AA meetings because they also drank a bit. How absolutely beyond preposterous is that? What I have written here is FACTUAL, not a judgment on the very well-meaning people who have NO OTHER choice but to attend AA, or they do not have the resources to go anywhere else, or they do not WANT to go anywhere else or they were FORCED to go. I’m an AA legacy and had no idea about what AA was other than the biased testimony of other attendees that conformed and thrived. ZERO context. ZERO. That hardly seems fair.
That being said please read this: A Message of Tolerance and Celebration: The Portrayal of Multiple Pathways of Recovery in the Writings of Alcoholics Anonymous Co-Founder Bill Wilson
by William White, M.A. and Ernest Kurtz, Ph.Dhttp://www.williamwhitepapers.com/pr/2010%20Bill%20Wilson%20on%20Multiple%20Pathways%20of%20Recovery.pdf